Saturday, 30 May 2015

Criteria to Shortlist Company

I would like to make a summary on how I shortlist potential companies based on financial report. Shortlist means eliminate companies which do not fulfill the requirement.
1 Valuation
For bull market third period
Dragon Head of industry: PE<25
Second and third line company: PE< PE of Dragon Head-5
Penny Stock: PE< PE of Dragon Head-10

2 Profitability
There are three options:
Revenue increases and Profit Margin constants  or
Revenue constants and Profit Margin increases or
Both Revenue and Profit Margin increase.
(Non-recurring item and one-time profit should be excluded)

3 Cash Flow
There are two options:
Net Cash Flow positive and increase or
Net Cash Flow positive and decrease (used in long term investment or paying debt)

4 Liquidity
Current Ratio more than 2
Quick Ratio more than 1

5 Take note any sudden large changes of numbers in any particular section in financial report comparing across year. (Find out the reason) 

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